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For some years, the energy sector has been experiencing major upheaval and having to face unprecedented challenges: combating climate change, a decarbonised energy system, creation of a European energy market, enhanced regulations etc. We are convinced that gas has a key role to play as an energy source for the future, because it will enable true acceleration toward the energy model of tomorrow.
In the future, energy sources will be increasingly interconnected and linked to one another in a single integrated energy mix. As a permanent link between producers and consumers, grids are the essential tools in this energy revolution. Their flexibility enables the industry to deal with fluctuating demand. Interconnected, or “smart”, grids will thus play a central role in constructing the energy world of tomorrow, creating new synergies between heat, electricity, water, CO2 and gas.
Convinced of the need for a new energy system where carbon neutrality is possible through a more diverse and renewables-dominated mix, we are backing new technologies and new ways of doing things. And so every day, thanks to our expert and passionate teams, we imagine new solutions for sectors that are growing, such as biomethane, or ones that are yet to be invented, such as “multi-energy” grids.
Dominique MocklyGeneral Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors at Teréga SAA revolution is needed to make energy compatible with the challenges of tomorrow.
We feel gas can provide the link between the historic model, largely built on centralised and chiefly fossil-fuelled production, and the model of the future, with a carbon neutral footprint thanks to a diversified energy mix, dominated by renewables, from less geographically dependent sources.
To achieve our target of becoming a key actor in Energy in Europe and reaching new milestones in accelerating energy transition, we have set out our IMPACTS 2025 strategic plan, based on five areas:
Steering the consumer and the market: by improving our knowledge of our customers’ expectations and constructing “tailor-made” service offers, so we can put forward global responses to the energy challenges of tomorrow.
Improving efficiency and responsibility: by developing our culture of efficiency and effectiveness, managing and optimising our governance model, having a positive impact on our environment and achieving our zero accident/zero incident target.
Raising our profile: by asserting ourselves in the public debate and leading a proactive influential strategy so that Teréga’s voice is heard among institutional players, at both the national and European level, in connection with our shareholders.
Securing and accelerating: capitalising on the excellence of our infrastructures and their flexibility, diversifying our business activities and expertise to accelerate the rise of smart multi-energy systems, anticipating essential technological evolutions with our Research & Innovation division.
Reinventing our corporate DNA: re-thinking how we work, moving to greater agility, allowing more room for personal initiatives, encouraging a cross-fertilisation approach, developing personal skills and building methods of working that take full advantage of the potential of digital tools.
This strategic plan expresses our desire to consolidate the sound progress we have made up to now, and to commit ourselves further to energy transition. It sets out Teréga’s strengths - our expertise first and foremost, and the agility of our workers in adjusting to the various technological and social changes - and our transformation plan to bring us closer to our customers, developing our efficiency, with ever more responsible projects, in the name of an influential and visible brand, and an open, innovative and agile organisation.
Whether natural or renewable in origin, gas is easily stored, and thus perfectly suited to fluctuating demand. Directly connected to storage sites, gas grids mean security of supply can be guaranteed across the region.
Today, we can now conceive new solutions around green sectors from biomethane, or devise future projects such as Power-to-Gas, which makes electricity storable and redistributable. We are also preparing for tomorrow, working to be able to accept new gases such as hydrogen or synthetic methane.
Gas’s image must evolve and find its proper place in the virtuous move toward energy transition. We have an essential role to play in accelerating and facilitating the deployment of positive solutions around biomethane, methanisation, BioNGV / NGV (Natural Gas for Vehicles) and sustainable mobility, CO2 capture and recycling.
Our Research and Innovation activities are therefore essential in anticipating, preparing, and carrying our company forward in its role as an accelerator of energy transition.
Can we meet our targets on combating climate change? Not unless we all choose to back gas! In this essay, Dominique Mockly, the Chairman and CEO of Teréga, unpacks the big energy choices made by the world’s decision makers over recent years, demolishes received ideas about gas and tells of the incredible technological changes making this energy source cleaner and cleaner. His daring vision of European energy policy sets out a roadmap for reconciling economic rationality with environmental ambition.