
Biomethane producers: Teréga is playing its part in the development of gases of the future

Since we have the ambition to become an accelerator of energy transition, we support you in the development of your biomethane production and injection projects. Discover what we offer, our support services and useful materials to enhance your understanding so we can develop your project together.

Our biomethane connection grid

Terega network for biomethane producers
Director of Commerce & Regulation, Teréga

We have a duty to work alongside and to support those leading methanisation unit projects in our area. Biomethane is an industry with strong development potential and will be an integral part of the gas mix in the future.

Gilles DoyhamboureDirector of Commerce & Regulation, Teréga

Biomethane producers, Teréga supports your project

We are involved in the development of biomethane and its injection into our gas transport grid. That means we support you throughout every stage of your project, to encourage any opportunity to create value from what you produce.

Key stages in a project

From your project’s preliminary assessment to the feasibility study, then its realisation and the commissioning of your connection to the gas grid, Teréga works alongside you at every stage to make your project a success.

Find out more
methanation unit of Méthalayou in Aquitaine

Discover our product and service offer for biomethane injection connections to our grid

We provide a connection offer including an injection station and a branch line to the grid. We develop services to facilitate your connection. In the same way, we offer you flexibility in financing the injection station, or a rental offer to meet the needs of all project leaders.

Find out more

Would you like to find out if a connection to the grid is possible?

You can locate your project and its financial potential on this map.

Would you like to benefit from connection to our gas transport grid for your biomethane injection project? Evaluate your injection potential based on your inputs.

View our simulator

Would you like more information?

Contact us

Regional Business Developer Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Laurent Fanfelle

Tel.: +33 (0)6 86 02 20 41

Regional Business Developer Occitanie, Cantal

Jean Cazorla

Tel.: +33 (0)6 77 13 59 51

Contact us


Activity report 2019

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Activity report 2018

Download document / 2.72 Mo
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