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Teréga enshrines expertise, performance and responsibility at the heart of its business culture. Our agile, collaborative organisation favours a cross-fertilisation approach to support developments in the energy market within a resolutely customer-focussed continuous improvement process.
We are convinced that gas is an essential energy source for the future, accelerating energy models with a zero carbon footprint. For us, notions of fluidity, cross-fertilisation, teamwork and anticipation of change are essential if we are to continue responding to the energy needs of our societies.
To guarantee gas’s competitiveness and the good management of resources, we implement an agile, fluid organisational policy that guarantees our customers the best possible quality of service. This performance process enables us to anticipate stakeholder expectations: customers, Energy Regulation Commission, shareholders, public authorities, workers and others.
Teréga is focussed on:
promoting best professional practice and continuously developing core business skills with strategic importance,
creating a robust frame of reference, broken down into customer-focussed operational processes,
managing our risks and developing our internal checks and audits, so as to operate safely for our workers, the environment and equipment,
having a globally positive environmental impact, avoid, reducing and compensating for our CO2 emissions and all impacts generated by our activities.
Regularly challenged indicators measure Teréga’s financial, commercial, organisational, operational and HSE (Hygiene, Safety and Environmental) performance.
We also work permanently to uphold the level of external certifications covering the whole of our gas transport and storage activities, with a harmonisation-led approach. We are therefore ISO certified across all our gas transport and storage activities, for our integrated management system, and this includes the following components:
ISO 9001 version 2015: Quality
ISO 14001 version 2015: Environment
ISO 50001 version 2018: Energy
ISO 45001 version 2018: Health and safety in the workplace
Teréga regularly conducts surveys among its customers and all its stakeholders. Alongside that, we have established an Ambassadors Club: we arrange meetings with our customers to analyse their feedback in greater detail and identify areas for improvement. These various processes allow us continually to adapt our services as a result.
Teréga regularly conducts surveys among its customers and all its stakeholders. Alongside that, we have established an Ambassadors Club: we arrange meetings with our customers to analyse their feedback in greater detail and identify areas for improvement. These various processes allow us continually to adapt our services as a result.
Teréga’s organisation and management is largely inspired by the sporting world, with which we are developing a number of partnerships. Acting collectively, in a cross-fertilisational and collaborative way is our strength and driving force.
In this way, every worker is involved in the company project. The processes governing our activities were jointly constructed by all departments at all levels of the company. That transversal management allows each person to be familiar with the challenges and constraints facing other stakeholders, while creating a culture of confidence between workers, and toward the company. It encourages:
exchanges and teamwork,
consistency in decisions taken and actions implemented,
harmonisation of working practices,
improved risk management,
rapid integration of new recruits.
Convinced that collective intelligence helps push back the limits of the possible, Teréga has launched its own Open Innovation approach. TENEXI (from the French for Let’s All Explore Innovation Together) brings together a set of calls for projects covering the key themes of our activities. These ideation challenges or organised internally or open to a wide external ecosystem to:
tackle challenges within our own area of activities,
secure the adaptation of new solutions to our activities,
support the development of innovative companies.
Françoise KermerIntegrated Management System managerIntegrating the different departments in constructing our organisation allows us to keep closer in touch with the reality on the ground and to make sure that all departments are working together, in a transversal fashion, in their constant search for efficiency.