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As a public service operator, Teréga’s mission is to serve the public interest. Faced with today’s social challenges, we are committed to accelerating the energy transition through innovative actions that contribute to the development of regions.
As a gas operator, our mission is to supply the French with energy. The gas we store and transport contributes to the economic development of the regions and comfort of their inhabitants. Our responsibility to society, whether environmental or human, is therefore an integral part of our thinking to accompany its long-term transformation.
We have set ourselves the following mission:
accelerate the energy transition, both at a European and territorial level;
limit the impact of our activities;
contribute to the economic growth of the regions in which we operate and to their influence.
These missions drive the global strategy of our company through concrete social and environmental objectives. All the actions that Teréga undertakes on a regional, national and European scale contribute not only to the sustainable development of all our activities but also to those of our customers, partner companies and communities. Our goal: create value from a cooperative perspective.
Olivier BeatrixCompany SecretaryResponsibility is fully part of our DNA. Our ambition is to make Teréga a company with missions, at the service of all.
The energy transition must make it possible to build a model of life that reconciles respect for the environment and economic and social development. In a context where the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a global priority and energy demand is accelerating, Teréga plays a strategic role in achieving energy transition objectives at European, national and territorial levels. Strongly anchored in the greater Southwest, we are located at the crossroads of European gas exchanges. We are committed to:
securing gas supply to the regions;
promote connections and interconnections between gas transmission networks;
promoting the production, storage, transport and use of gas from renewable sources;
developing and consolidating synergies between the various energy networks.
The BE POSITIF programme (positive environmental outcomes) illustrates Teréga’s strong commitment to environmental responsibility. This programme aims to erase our overall environmental footprint in the long run. Each of our actions is part of the ERC approach: “Avoid - Reduce, Compensate.” It aims to reduce the impacts generated by our activities in order to achieve carbon neutrality.
The security of our infrastructure and continuity of service remain our top priority. We are implementing risk prevention and management measures adapted to the changes brought about by the ecological transition. We are constantly driving innovation to prepare our infrastructures for tomorrow’s energy mix, while guaranteeing the safety of our employees, subcontractors and customers.
Established since 1945 in southwest France, Teréga contributes to the economic development and regional influence of the region. As an energy accelerator in our regions, we cultivate close ties with all stakeholders: local authorities, businesses, citizens and other stakeholders. We support the regions in implementing their energy transition objectives by contributing to the development of a more local energy sector thanks to renewable gases. We are close to local companies with whom we build a network of partners to whom we entrust more than 50% of our annual purchase volume. We also support initiatives that contribute to the preservation of the environment, the improvement of social life and the sporting and cultural influence of the greater southwest region.