
Teréga’s commitments

For Teréga, accelerating energy transition means implementing a business strategy where responsibility is the chief consideration. Responsibility toward our regions, responsibility toward our workers, responsibility toward our planet.

Discover Teréga's areas of commitment

Techniciens de maintenance Teréga à Montauban


As a gas operator, Teréga puts safety at the top of its priorities, whether in relation to its workers or to its physical and digital infrastructures.

Panorama à Urrugne dans les Pyrénées


Limiting our emissions, managing our energy consumption as best we can, protecting biodiversity… We are committed to reducing the impact of our activities on the environment through our corporate BE POSITIF programme.

Corporate social responsibility

As a responsible energy actor, Teréga is committed to working alongside its regions and its French and European partners to achieve the best possible energy transition.

Formation technicien Teréga

Social responsibility

We put people at the heart of our corporate policy, which is why we work to make personal fulfilment in the workplace and social well-being a lever for responsible performance.

Larrau paysage des Pyrénées

Endowment fund

The Teréga Accélérateur d’Énergies endowment fund extends Teréga’s commitments by supporting philanthropic projects that encourage the economic, social and cultural development of our regions.