All onboard to accelerate the energy transition

All onboard to accelerate the energy transition

At Teréga, all employees contribute on a daily basis to building the new market models that will promote the energy transition. They are committed and constantly innovating to meet the technological, economic, human and environmental challenges of our century.

Meet the challenges of renewable energy

Joining Teréga means helping to create the energy models of tomorrow. We manage gas transport and storage infrastructures in South-West France, at the heart of national and European gas exchanges. Our public service mission comes with great responsibilities towards our regions, our employees and our planet. Our ambition: to help the French and European economy achieve its environmental objectives by reducing the impact of all our activities. In an ever-shifting context, our activities are constantly adapting and evolving to support and accelerate the energy transition.

Joining Teréga means taking part in:

  • protecting the national gas supply;

  • bringing about new low-carbon energy models that promote the circular economy;

  • deploying new renewable gases (biomethane, hydrogen, synthetic methane);

  • using new technologies for network optimisation and energy efficiency;

  • Energising the economic network of our South West regions through our gas activities and community actions.

5 135 km

of transport pipelines

6,5 Gm3

of total gas storage capacity



98 %

of satisfied customers (2019 shipper and industrial customer survey)

Innovate for the future of gas

Accelerating the energy transition means dealing simultaneously with technological, economic, human and environmental challenges. To anticipate changes in the world of energy, Teréga is developing:

  • supply technologies:

We adopt a constant innovation approach to help in the development of the fast-growing renewable gas sector. At the same time, our teams are developing new technologies to design connected supply systems for the ecological transition, such as the IMPULSE 2025 multi-energy grid project.

  • gas activities:

The construction of new responsible energy models is a technological challenge but also a human one above all. This is why we train our employees on an ongoing basis so that they can keep pace with changes in the techniques and practices related to our businesses. In addition to operational aspects, we also ensure that our employees at all levels of the company are trained in safety and environmental impact management issues.

Joining Teréga means working in an environment that requires energy, movement and adaptability to innovate for a responsible future.


R&I projects, approximately, in 2019

10 %

of our employees involved in R&I (more than 60)


patents filed (fields: energy efficiency, gas quality and digital)

Boost your skills potential

At Teréga, you will grow daily in an environment of constant technological and digital change, where training, knowledge sharing and collaborative work ensure your continuous professional development.

To increase the skills potential of our employees tenfold, we encourage:

  • giving value to expertise;

  • access to internal training;

  • upgrading the skills of the teams.

To help our employees to become more expert and agile, we give priority to:

  • horizontal models; 

  • development of individual skills

  • assumption of responsibility and autonomy

  • digitalisation of business processes

  • collaborative work methods

Join the green energy movement to boost your career every day.