
New uses: gas and sustainable mobility

Our responsibility as a gas actor committed to energy transition means anticipating and supporting new uses for gas too. Mobility is a major challenge in that transition. Alternatives to traditional fuels are currently emerging, such as Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV). Teréga is involved in the development of that more environmentally-friendly use.

Our work to encourage the development of renewable mobility

Teréga professional car running on CNG


The Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV) sector represents an appropriate alternative fuel, especially for regional and urban transport. NGV has many environmental and economic advantages. Since 2019 we have been developing a special commercial offer.

Méthalayou methanization site in Préchacq-Navarrenx


When biomethane is exploited as a fuel – BioNGV – this green gas embodies the possibilities of more sustainable and more environmentally-friendly mobility. A new fuel with many advantages.