Biomethane producers: Teréga supports every stage of your injection project

Biomethane producers: Teréga supports every stage of your injection project

Teréga is an accelerator of energy transition. We work alongside you to develop biomethane and its injection into our gas transport grid. We have also chosen to support you throughout the key stages of your project, to help you seize this opportunity to create value from what you produce.

What are the key stages in bringing your injection project to fruition?

There are four essential stages that must be completed before a project to inject biomethane into our gas grid can go ahead:

A free, no-obligation investigation, based on an expression of needs document (completed by the project leader) including the technical data needed for calculations (injection flow, location of the injection site etc.)

That investigation makes it possible to:

  • validate, in principle, the technical feasibility of the injection connection to the grid ;

  • establish preliminary budget figures for the connection, enabling the project leader to consolidate the business plan they have worked out with their engineering department ;

  • set out a preliminary schedule for the connection .

That investigation takes less than a month.

Once a feasibility study agreement has been signed by the project leader and Teréga, Teréga carries out a binding, chargeable study, to confirm that the project can be completed, at what price and over what period of time.

There are two parts to the feasibility study:

  • the technical study of the connection and injection station. Assessments covering the following details: land ownership, design, operation, process, risk assessment and planning.

  • the commercial connection offer (connection and injection station), including the tariff refund (a discount of up to 40% of the total price of the offer, capped at €400,000) .

The time needed for that study ranges between 2 months (basic situation) and 6 months.

At the start of that study, Teréga registers your project in the biomethane capacities register, allowing your injection capacities to be reserved in the gas grid. Based on that feasibility study, the project leader submits a request to the authorities for certification that gives them the right to purchase biomethane, to be able to negotiate and agree a contract with energy suppliers.

Our biomethane connection and injection contract comprises:

  • general terms and conditions (link to connection contract general terms and conditions) and its appendices. Most importantly, these set out the obligations upon each party, along with the general principles governing the connection service;

  • particular terms & conditions and appendices. These define specific arrangements for each project.

This last phase extends over 13 to 24 months on average, depending on administrative application processing times.
It includes the engineering study, construction and gas supply to the connection facilities: branch line and injection station.

The key stages of connection procedure

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Would you like to find out if a connection to the grid is possible?

Would you like to benefit from connection to our gas transport grid for your biomethane injection project?

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